In this episode of “The Heinz Griff,” we dive deep into the complex issues of false accusations and gender bias, particularly in the context of the Me Too era. Joined by expert Phil Mitchell, we explore high-profile cases, including Eleanor Williams, to understand the broader implications on society and the justice system.
Phil shares his insights from years of working with male victims and sheds light on the systemic issues that often leave men as the ‘acceptable collateral damage.’ The issues when it comes to record taking and statistics pertaining to false accusations. This discussion also tackles the controversial question: Is society failing male victims of abuse?
Buy Phil Mitchell’s (2023 release) book, ‘The Sexual Abuse of Boys and Men: Creating an Approach for Neglected Victims [Paperback]’ on Amazon and other good (and the bad ones) bookstores & retailers.
Check out Phil Mitchell’s website for counselling services:
BBC’s Liar: Fake Grooming Scandal’s Eleanor Williams, January 2024, Nia Dalton, Article, The Mirror, Available Online:
CDC Figures On Force Penetration, 2012, Download Here:
Eleanor Williams: One high-profile false rape case is not an excuse to stop believing women, March 2023, Faima Bakar, Article, Glamour, Available Online:
Gamma Bias: A New Theory, February 2020, The British Psychology Society, Article, Available Online:
Unreliable Witness, March 2024, Sky News, Podcast, Available Online: